What Are The Eight Wastes Of Lean?

July 15, 2024
Graphic of cartoon people working beside each eight wastes of lean

The core of our operational philosophy revolves around identifying and minimizing the Eight Wastes of Lean. These wastes, aptly summarized by the acronym DOWNTIME, encapsulate inefficiencies that, if left unaddressed, could compromise the optimal use of resources and impact our bottom line. Understanding and minimizing these elements are crucial for a lean and streamlined operation.


The ‘D’ reminds us of the significant impact defects, scrap and rework can have on our projects. Whether it’s rectifying errors on project sites or refining administrative processes, any deviation from perfection implies an unforeseen use of resources. Such repetition consumes job cost dollars and delves into net profit dollars, redirecting resources that could have been allocated more judiciously. By aiming for zero defects, we ensure that every action contributes to efficiently using planned resources.


Overproduction, another waste we diligently curtail, involves doing more work than necessary or completing tasks ahead of schedule. Performing work prematurely or above requirements squanders valuable resources. We focus on delivering what is needed, avoiding unnecessary work and resource depletion.


Waiting stands as a significant form of waste. Whether waiting for information, interdepartmental collaboration or system boot-ups, any moment spent idly is considered a loss. We recognize that idle time equates to lost productivity and consistently seek ways to minimize waiting periods in our workflow.

Non-Utilized Talent

Non-utilized talent is a form of waste we actively work to eliminate. We aim to involve everyone in process improvement, capitalizing on our employees’ intelligence, creativity and experience beyond their designated roles. To foster this collaborative environment, we empower our team to contribute to the company’s growth and success by tapping into untapped potential. Additionally, we actively use sub-trades and crew leaders to plan and coordinate workflow, ensuring everyone has a voice.


Unnecessary movement of products and materials, whether on project sites or across office spaces, constitutes waste. Minimizing these movements ensures that resources are directed purposefully, contributing to a lean and efficient operation. We evaluate the need for movement between processes, desks and offices to minimize this waste. Unessential transportation is identified and rectified to enhance the efficiency of our operations.


Excess inventory impedes efficiency. Adopting a lean approach requires a careful balance between having enough resources to perform tasks effectively and avoiding unnecessary stockpiling. Excess inventory, whether physical or digital, is recognized as counterproductive and is managed accordingly.


Waste manifests when employees must physically move to perform tasks. By strategically organizing workspaces and minimizing physical movements, we aim to reduce waste associated with unnecessary motion.

Extra Processing

Understanding and delivering what our customers value is central to our operations. Providing what clients require without overprocessing or exceeding quality expectations is our goal. We ensure our efforts are directed towards meaningful outputs by aligning our processes with customer requirements.

Waste is omnipresent in all processes, often camouflaged within the norm. At FWS, we emphasize the importance of understanding and recognizing waste in various forms. Our commitment to transparency allows us to see waste for what it is – an opportunity for improvement. By shedding light on these inefficiencies, we empower our teams to eliminate waste and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.

If you are interested in how we optimize our processes and minimize waste, we invite you to contact us. Let’s work together to streamline your operations and enhance overall efficiency.

FWS is an industrial construction firm with a 70-year track record. We offer comprehensive in-house capabilities spanning project planning, design, engineering, procurement, project management, construction, commissioning and maintenance.

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